Spirit Animals for May

Find the list of Spirit Animals that belong to this month.

Based on the Maia goddess; she usually saw things grow, as you're doing with your life right now.

Spirit Animals List

Apr. 20 - May 20

Elephant Spirit Animal Elephant Spirit Animal

A big power inside but also your memory is a place to learn.

Explorer Adventurer Pisces

Apr. 20 - May 20

15 of our members has this spirit animal
Bear Spirit Animal Bear Spirit Animal

A secret meaning is hidden behind its big size and strength.

Analyst Architect Taurus

May 21 - Jun. 20

Frog Spirit Animal Frog Spirit Animal

Your potential here is huge, even though you feel you're small.

Explorer Adventurer Gemini

May 21 - Jun. 20

Squirrel Spirit Animal Squirrel Spirit Animal

Explorer Adventurer Gemini
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